Saturday, March 3, 2018

Cat-urday Laziness

I love teaching, I love my job, I love being busy and having a million things to do at once.

But I also LOVE laying around in my jammies until noon with my family. I love sipping my coffee and enjoying it all day long. I love drinking it from and actual mug, not just a travel mug like I have to the rest of the week.  I love my baby all snuggled on my chest as I work on my Masters homework, and my cat sitting right above my head on the couch, keeping my ears warm.

I love these moments. I love when we can all be at home, in the same room and simply enjoy each others presence. These are the moments I live for. Here are some pictures to fully document, my wonderful Saturday....

 Baby Luke taking a nap in his swing 😍
 Zoey on her perch, protecting her little brother 😻
 Me loving on Zoey, I don't think she likes my love 😓
James just lounging trying to get the computer to work 😁


  1. I thought I was the only person who could taste and feel the difference between the travel mug and the "real" mug!!! I have grown to dislike very much the travel mugs. I've started finding "real" mugs that fit in my drink holes in the console so I can bring a "real" mug to school with me. I may slosh it around and out of my "real" mug from time to time, but I just love it and it makes my coffee taste so much better! I had two cups in my "real" mug from Bryce Canyon today! Awwwwwwww!
