Friday, March 2, 2018

The Full Moon

This morning as I was driving to drop off Luke, and eventually make my way to work, I saw the Moon. To most people this would have been a glorious, beautiful sight, to a teacher, it is pure evil. I am a firm believer that the full moon has huge effects on behavior of students, adults, animals and pretty much any living thing. This week has been a long one, and I would love to blame it all on the moon.

Now, the moon effects all living things, and this week Zoey has been no exception. Tuesday night she was running around the house like a mad woman. Literally sprinting from room to room for no reason. I even tripped on her a couple of times! Then last night I caught her IN THE CABINET!!! Like next to the cups! What the heck cat??!! Well...she is already allowed on the counters, cause we have no boundaries.... but she jumped IN THE CABINET! This was a new one, and was super weird even for her. I swiftly kicked her out, but am glad that I now have hilarious stories to share with all of you!

So in conclusion, the next time a full moon is in full bloom, make sure to check your animals and note all the craziness they get in to!