5:30 AM: Human's are still asleep. I must wake them up now. I don't need anything. I am just bored.
5:45 AM: The clock is making noise, this means I am allowed to annoy humans with my cuteness.
6:00 AM: One human is taking a shower. I must jump in, but freak out and attack once the water hits me.
6:15AM: The porcelain bowl is open. I must jump in and play.
6:16AM: I jumped in the white bowl and I am regretting it deeply. The human is angry and is now making me take a bath!
6:17AM: I hate baths, I must claw my human to DEATH!
6:30AM: Human finally feeds me. I was so hungry. The human is eating their food, I must eat it too!
6:45AM: The human is talking in the annoying baby voice again. And is leaving. I won't miss them. Wait the car is pulling away! I miss you human! Come back! I will meow until you come back.
6:55AM: I don't miss the human any more. I will eat and sleep and use the bathroom all day until the human returns.
7:00AM-5:00PM: Eat, Sleep, Poop.
5:05PM: Human returns. Human keeps using annoying baby voice. I will tolerate it only until they feed me.
5:30PM: Humans are eating their dinner. I must have it. It is better than the brown pebbles they feed me.
6:00PM: The humans are watching TV. I will enjoy being alone.
6:30PM: I missed the humans.
6:31PM: They are annoying again.
7:00PM: I can't catch the stupid red dot. Why do the humans do this to me???
7:30PM: I am worn out from the red dot. I will probably never catch it.
8:00PM: The humans are going to bed. I must be OBNOXIOUS! I will jump on the bed, run around the house, and knock over lamps!
8:05PM: Never mind I am tired. I miss my humans good night.
This is HILARIOUS! I think I might actually you cat a little now :)