Yesterday James, Zoey and I traveled to OverlandPark, KS for my families annual Easter weekend. This Easter will be much more interesting than any other. We have 4 cats at my parents house! FOUR! And shocker, they all hate each other! Holly and Oliver, the twins, actually live in this house all the time and are very, very protective of their personal space. Zoey is too shy/laidback for her own good. And then we get to Stella! The demon from the underworld, who wants nothing more than to annoy every other cat and human in this house!
This place is crazy!! Hissing is heard from every corner of my parents house. Stella is tiny and has this horribly annoying bell so you can hear her all the time! Oliver and Holly are on edge and trying to attack anyone or anything that doesn't live here all the time. It is crazy here, but I love it! I am trying really hard to get a full family picture for my blog tomorrow of the 5 people and 4 cats. I will probably have a wonderful story to go along with the picture! Happy Easter from my familly!!
Happy Easter to you too!