Sunday, March 5, 2017

Ulcerative Colitis

Ulcerative Colitis.

Two words. 
Two Simple words.
Two simple words that have changed the way my family operates. 

Ulcerative Colitis is an inflammatory bowel disease  that causes inflammation and ulcers in the digestive tract. Essentially UC makes the need to use the restroom increase, as well as a WHOLE bunch of other side effects. 

My husband has been fighting this disease for 10 years! 10 years! He was 15 when the symptoms first popped up and has continued to fight like a true hero! I have only known him for a total of 6 years, so the entirety of our relationship and our marriage he has been fighting UC. And after all these years of constant different medicines, constant flare ups, days of extreme exhaustion and even some good days sprinkled in there, he has NEVER stopped fighting. He is my hero! Each day he gets up, goes to work, deals with normal work stress, and this disease; and he manages to always keep fighting. He is truly amazing!
Zoey and her Daddy cuddling on the couch
Now Zoey, our cat-child, has only ever known her dad for 2 years. And in these two years I can tell that she knows that he is dealing with this annoying disease. She will cuddle up with him while he is sleeping at night. On the bad days, she will sit by his feet, and just be there for him. Cats are truly very perceptive to humans and their behaviors.It is pretty precious, she really loves her dad. She may never know him without the disease, but recently my husband has tried some new medication and I will be sure to fill you all in on another post!

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